Sunday 24 June 2012

I hereby tender my resignation from 'society'

It should come as no surprise to anyone who has spent time on Gallifrey, or New Gallifrey, that Time Lords are often pompous, arrogant and wholly unlikeable. Today's events are no exception to this.

I attended today's meeting of the high council (which was as dry and full of petty sniping as I had expected) because I was curious about the news of three Time Lords who were to be sentenced. When I discovered that not only were two not sentenced, but that some members of the council apparently had no knowledge of what these two were supposed to have done, I was more than a little shocked.

As I heard the third of many protests of innocence from one of the accused, the thought struck me that there was something wholly wrong about this whole situation. I have long been a believer in due process and the upholding of the law - it is not for nothing that some worlds refer to me as The Arbitrator (while other worlds use shorter, more course language) - and if what I have witnessed is anything close to the truth, it is clear that what is going on with the council is not justice.

To add insult to injury, I am starting to believe that our Lord President's latest regeneration is not a stable one. Can a TTC even regenerate? I know he is not a standard capsule, but the stability of his sentience is now in question, in my mind. When he said, and I quote: "if you do not respect this body and its authority, you will no longer be a Timelord here. We will take your TTC, your Lives, and your Honor. Period." my confidence in him was shaken.

How can we follow a man so focussed on respect and authority that he will kill to maintain it? If this is the level we have stooped to, we are no longer the Time Lords of old. We will be no better than the Daleks.

I will not play any part in a body that is willing to kill for a shell of an idea.

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