Wednesday 19 March 2014

If we divide, they will conquer

I have known several members of the Prydonian Chapter for many years - Cardinal Kharma in particular has been a close friend and some-time travelling companion. That's why the news of the Prydonian secession from the High Council came as a strong personal blow.

I will not be siding with the Prydonians in this conflict. In fact, I have already made some major steps toward further unification of the disparate factions within Time Lord society. The Arcalian Chapterhouses of both New Gallifrey and Olyesti will be uniting under Lord Cardinal Vale Chronotis. The official unification will occur at the next meeting of the High Council, with Lord Chancellor Oolon Sputnik formally joining his faction with the Olyesti faction.

This is more than a simple gesture of mutual cooperation. It is a demonstration that we can all work together for the good of everyone, regardless of how and why we have come together. Like a Time Lord, we have two hearts - the Panopticon and the 3-minute City - they now beat as one.

Whether we were part of the Time War and came here through the fallout of the Last Day; or we were part of the merchantile faction that was swept up in the wake of the Last Day; or, like me, we were born from the new looms here on New Gallifrey, none of this should prevent us coming together. We are here now, that is what counts.

We are not alone here. The Daleks are gaining strength. Cybermen have been spotted scouting our outer territories. The Zygons are here, and apparently they are in very strong positions to strike at our very hearts of government. If we fight amongst ourselves, our enemies will strike - and they will strike hard.

We must stand together. We must present a united front. If we do not, we will perish.

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